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Beta easy pro tool cases: our analysis

The Italian brand Beta has been a leader in the Italian tool market for 80 years, and is present all over the world with 8 subsidiaries on 3 continents.

We have already been able to zoom in on the complete Beta easy tool cabinet range, which currently offers 3 tool compositions with 147, 235 and 329 tools. You can have a look at this article

This time Beta has decided to make a big splash by adding three complete cases to its range, for use as a complement to a hard-to-carry case, or simply as the main equipment for a mobile technician.

Tool cases are divided into 2 types:

  • A compact 146 piece tool case model (ref 020560450),
  • Two ultra-compact models of 100 pieces (ref 020540020) and 128 pieces (ref 020540022) respectively.



Let's start with the Beta 146 piece (11kg) tool case. First of all, by analysing the container, this case measures 465 mm long by 330 mm high and 170 mm thick, is equipped with 2 very robust metal clasps, honeycomb walls (light and resistant) and an aluminium frame on each edge. The corners are made of riveted metal. As usual, Beta offers a beautifully finished tool case, which will immediately reflect a professional image on the part of the technician.

As for the 146 pieces in this technician's case, there is a nice array of 1/4 and 1/2 sockets that cover 4 to 24 mm.

About sixty screwdriver bits in 6.35 mm and 4 mm drive, for seven different cavities.

The classic tools are not to be outdone with a complete set of 8 to 19 mm combination spanners, an Allen spanner set, screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, cutters...


However, tool cases are sometimes "too complete", so Beta has decided to offer new Ultra Compact cases, for rapid intervention, with two different compositions.

On the case the finish and strength remains the same, it is just 40% smaller in volume. Much more practical to store, a real answer for maintenance technicians who often have to fly.


The 100 piece case of the 2054/E-100 case (7.1Kg), the lightest of the three. Beta offers in this tool case the range of 1/4" sockets, from 4 to 14 mm, screwdriver bits in 6.35 mm drive, a set of flat and Phillips screwdrivers stored in a foam module for a well secured tooling, a set of combination spanners almost complete from 6 to 19 mm (except the 18 mm). The two top sections of the case contain the pliers, hammer and cutting tools (cutter, saw and knife)



The 128 piece 2054/E-128 case (7.8Kg). This case contains more sockets, with 1/4 and 3/8 sockets and screwdriver bits 6.35 mm and 4 mm, the new Beta easy 72 teeth ratchets, stored in a foam module for a good wedging of the tools, an almost complete set of combination spanners from 6 to 19 mm (except the 18 mm). The two upper sections of this Beta tool case contain the essential tools (pliers, cutters, mechanics), screwdrivers, cutting tools (chisels, 18 mm cutters), a measuring tape and a set of Allen keys.


To conclude, Beta offers a range of tool cases capable of meeting the main demands of mobile technicians or mechanics. Cases for the technical assistant, the machine installer, the automotive assistant. The two ultra-compact and very light models, weighing less than 8kg, will be particularly appreciated by companies that regularly use aircraft.

The Beta Easy range is also present to offer more attractive prices than the Beta range. However, if you want to use the top of the range in terms of tools to take with you, we strongly recommend our test on the Beta C14 tool case, complete or empty.

See you soon for more tests!

